Sunday, September 19, 2010

"I'm Still Here": Quilting together a wonderful life despite severe chronic illnesses

I am Margo Takacs Marshall's oldest child and a co- author of this blog with her.

I am planning a PDF Ebook of lots of color photos of Mom's non-hankie quilts, together with comments on each from her family and friends.

The title will be as above.

Here's the story behind that choice for a title.

In 1962, when Mom was 34, she was told by her three doctors that she's never live beyond 35.

When she was 70, that is twice 35 (35x2=70), she had a birthday celebration.

During it, Mom recounted that at 70, ie twice 35,  her three doctors, not much older than her, were " all gone" , but she added, "I'm still here !"

Her new doctors thought she would be dead on Monday,then on Tuesday then on Wednesday -- after that they gave up.

Sunday AM, she was "still here" .

Without her normally heavy meds, her heart, lungs and kidneys were still going strong, even after a "massive, massive stroke" destroyed half her brain.

After a lifetime of heart and kidney disease, she was still going strong.

During that almost half century of extra life, Mom was never really free of pain or disability for very long, but she carved out time to raise a family of five, do much volunteer work, garden, bird watch, animal-save, read,read read - and quilt.

At the age of 80, she became an author of an unique approach to featuring individual hankies as the centre piece of a medallion quilt, each quilt and hanky telling a story.

This afternoon, Mom's body finally went south but her spirit, and her quilts live on - are "still here" .....

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