Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two Aussie Sisters hope to revive HANKIES' heyday !

Here's a uplifting HANKY story from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Barbara Cloud:

Jennifer Moran from Brisbane and Angela Galgut from Sydney, wrote to Barbara after they spotted one of her columns about how important hankies once were to ladies, rather like white gloves were once essential nightwear.

I can recall how important hankies once were to both men and women - and by men I mean boys from about 14 upwards, who once loved to wear sports jackets - complete with highly visible hanky.

People routinely gave each other hankies - the conscripts at my brother's WWII basic training army camp all got hankies, named after the camp, as a keepsake of their hard slug there.

Hardly sissy stuff - and hankies were part of it!

I will write more on this soon - off to play cards with my daughter-in-law, after she gave me a new deck of cards with safety tips for seniors on each card.....

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