Thursday, August 13, 2009

Heirlooms or Collectibles too Precious or too Nice to Cut up

Quilters generally take a beautiful piece of cloth.... AND CUT IT UP !

Their intention is too make something even more beautiful out of it, of course.


But what if your beautiful cloth item is already perfect as is ?

Or because it belonged to your mother who treasured it as it was, is too precious to cut up?

I don't mean a shirt or a skirt, etc obviously - those don't lie flat enough for quilting until cut up.

But there are lots of  other two dimensional cloth heirlooms or collectibles.

Hankies come to mind (naturally !) but we can add lots of others that are 'designed' to be beautiful as they are, but are thin enough and small enough to be the start of a wonderful quilt.

A place mat may be small and beautiful but is too thick to use in a quilt.

But tea tray cloths, doilies, kerchiefs,neckerchiefs, bandanas, scarves, luncheon napkins, tea towels, table top 
runners - they all fit the bill.

You can think of others.

My daughter-in-law Rebecca mentions those cloth wall hangings we all buy on vacation, perhaps made out of Belfast linen and decorated with some images of Northern Ireland , bought on a trip to the Emerald Isle.

They all can be the centerpiece of a medallion quilt - around them you can create a border that complements them 
and perhaps even tells a story of what that item meant to you or your mother.

When I say I love my children - I mean my animal children as well - many have gone before me , but live on in my quilts ! Here is an example of what I mean....

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