Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rowland warns us of a "Warming Earth"

My husband, Rowland, is a visual artist and poet.

I do quilts - he paints - in acrylics mostly - and pulls prints - and even creates sculpture.

He often attaches short poems to his art and makes them into
handmade and bound 'artistbooks'.

His latest is called "Warming Earth" and is on his virtual art studio site, " Rowland's Seaforth Art Studio ".

My son, Michael, posted the texts and images for Rowland on the site.

Michael made the pictures interestingly different than the originals and much better than what Staples made of them, when they made photographic prints of them.

I think the original art was the best by far, but they are certainly different on the web site - almost glow in the dark coloring...

But go see for yourself.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New images of my hanky quilts added to my website

I have added about twenty high quality images of my hanky quilts to my website, OneHankyQuiltmaking.

Enjoy !